Certificat de CIR

April 28 | 2022

Research meets business

This document is for your information and has no legal value
We received your request to be approved as an organisation carrying out R&D activities for the account of private companies. We reviewed the documentation you sent us and we are pleased to let you know that your request has been approved. Please find, here enclosed, the decision of approval.
We would be grateful if you could keep us informed of any significant modification of your activity or competences. Such an evolution would require a re-examination of your application.

Information on your activity (address, contact data, field of expertise and years for which you are approved) wiII be included in the Iist of private research organisations approved by the French Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation, which is published on Internet (address below). If you wish so, you may nevertheless ask the Département des politiques d’incitation à la R&D des entreprises not to include your organisation in this list.

PlasmidFactory is CIR-registered by the French Ministere de L´Education Nationale, de L´Enseignement Superieure et de la Recherche.

La Ministre de l’Enseignement supérieur, de la Recherche et de l’Innovation,
Vu l'article 244 quater B du code général des impôts,
Vu la demande présentée par l’organisme,
Décide d’accorder l’agrément prévu au II d bis de l'article 244 quater B du code général des impôts pour les organismes de recherche privés, à :
D-33607 Bielefeld -ALLEMAGNE
Cet agrément est accordé au titre des années : 2022,2023,2024.
Le renouvellement de cet agrément se fera sur demande expresse, avant le terme de la dernière année.

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Let us know how
we can help.

Get in touch, that way we can help you in a targeted manner.

I would like personalised advice on the following topic …

  • Manufacturing of customized plasmid DNA
  • Manufacturing of customized minicircle DNA
  • In-Stock products for AAV production
  • In-Stock products (reporter-plasmids/-minicircle)
  • cooperation opportunities
  • Other topic

I would like a specific quote for the following product

  • Customized DNA
  • AAV plasmids und minicircles
  • reporter gene plasmids and minicircles
  • pEPito plasmids
  • Molecular Size Markers
  • CGE Service
  • Storage Service


provide required


Useful background information

The most important terms relating to minicircle DNA and plasmids explained in detail. Useful background information for smooth communication.

We are aware of our responsibility towards our fellow human beings and the environment. We act in accordance with general ESG (Environmental Social Governance) criteria.